Is It OK To Use A Vibrator While Pregnant?
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Pregnancy is an exciting time in your life. But it’s also one that comes with many emotions, questions, and worries. Many women notice a huge increase in their sex drives, but they can worry that indulging might hurt their baby. Which might lead you to wonder at some point, is it safe to use a vibrator during pregnancy?
This article does not consist of medical advice. Pregnant women are encouraged to talk to their doctor about sex and the use of sex toys in pregnancy.
For most women, it’s perfectly safe to use a vibrator while pregnant. Either alone, or with your partner.
There are some cases when it’s not advisable, but most pregnant women can continue to enjoy their vibrators. Although, there are some things to keep in mind to make sure you’re enjoying solo time safely.
When Not To Use A Vibrator During Pregnancy
The first person you should talk to about any sexual experience during your pregnancy is your doctor, midwife, or healthcare provider. They will be able to tell you if it would be ok for you to have sex, and explain their concerns, or any measures you should take.
There are a few conditions that can mean that you can’t have sex with a partner, but you may be able to use a vibrator, or have other stimulation. If you have any doubts about what sexual contact you should be avoiding, ask your doctor. They will have a full understanding of your personal case, and the precautions you need to take.
Things To Know About Using A Vibrator When Pregnant
If you have no medical restrictions on sex, or alone time during your pregnancy, then feel free to indulge yourself. However, there’s still a few things you should keep in mind.
You May Not Always Feel Sexual
Everyone has heard about how pregnancy affects your sex drive. This is true for many women, but it’s not always true for the entire duration of the pregnancy. In early pregnancy, you can feel tired, nauseated and emotional as your body is flooded with pregnancy hormones. This probably won’t make you feel overly sexy, or make you want to have sex.
However, towards the end of the first trimester and the beginning of the second trimester, hormones settle to a more normal level for most women. This is when many women feel a huge increase in their sex drives.
During the final trimester, as your body prepares for giving birth, you may notice that your sex drive begins to tail off again. This isn’t true of every woman, and nor it’s true in every pregnancy.
Listen To Your Body
Many women can use the same vibrators during pregnancy that they used before pregnancy. However, listen to your body. If you feel uncomfortable, or a vibe just isn’t working for you in the same way as it was, stop using it. You may need to go back to less challenging vibrators until you give birth.
Hygiene Is Extremely Important
Personal hygiene and the hygiene of your vibes is more important than ever. Unclean vibrators can cause infections. Infections can lead to other complications.
In fact, if you have any vibrators made from an older jelly type rubber, you may want to replace them, or take them out of rotation until after you give birth. Bacteria can sort of sink into older materials, or jelly rubber, no matter how well you clean it.
Orgasms Can Induce Braxton Hicks Contractions
One of the ways that an orgasm affects your body is that it causes uterine contractions. These are usually harmless Braxton Hicks contractions. They fade, and normally stop on their own. If they seem to continue for an unusually long time, you can call your healthcare provider for advice.
Cleaning Your Vibrators
As we mentioned above, keeping your vibrators clean is extremely important at all times, but even more so when you’re pregnant. It seems like something that is very straight-forward, but there are a few things that you should still keep in mind.
Know Your Vibrators
Each vibrator will have come with cleaning instructions, and it is really important that you follow those instructions. You need to know what your vibrator is made of, so you can clean it appropriately. Cleaning your vibe using the wrong product, or soap can damage your vibrator.
As a general guideline:
- Silicone, pyrex, and stainless steel toys that do not have a motor can be cleaned in hot soapy water, and allowed to air dry. They can also be boiled for a few minutes on a regular basis to completely disinfect them.
- You should also be careful with the type of soap you’re using. Avoid any harsh, or perfumed soaps, and stick with very mild soaps.
- It might seem like a good idea to clean your vibes in an antibacterial soap. It’s usually not. These soaps tend to be quite harsh, and can be irritating.
- Only waterproof vibrators can be submerged in water. If it’s not waterproof, use a damp cloth to wipe it down.
- You can purchase a cleanser that has been specifically designed for sex toys. You will need to be sure that it is suitable for the material of your vibrators.
- Air drying is the best way to dry vibrators, but if you have children, you won’t want to leave them sitting out. You can dry them off with a clean towel before storing them carefully.
- How you store your vibes can help you keep them clean. Make sure to put them away and keep them free from dust, lint, pet hair and other dirt.
- You should clean your vibrators after you use them every time.
Pregnancy And Sex
Pregnancy can mean that you need to change up how you have sex with your partner, and alone. The changes in your body can mean that you need to find new positions that feel comfortable, especially as your pregnancy progresses.
Another thing to be aware of is that you may need to change your vibrator. Many women are able to continue using their favorite vibes throughout their pregnancy. Some, however, notice that what was once pleasurable, and sensual becomes less than wonderful during their pregnancy. If you notice your vibe isn’t doing what it used to, change it. Maybe you need a different material to create a new sensation. Maybe you need a smaller or less complex vibrator. Some women say that they need to use vibrators that are more suitable for beginners during their pregnancies.
You should also be aware that some of the common-sense advice about sex, and masturbation becomes more important during your pregnancy.
Don’t Mix Your Toys
You shouldn’t mix your toys. Anal play toys should be kept specifically for that purpose. They shouldn’t be used for any other type of play. Mixing toys is pretty much guaranteed to create a breeding ground for bacteria and infection.
Sharing your sex toys is another no-no at all times, but you should pay special attention when you’re pregnant. The risk of infection and contamination is greater when you’re sharing your vibes with another person.
Orgasming Won’t Hurt Your Baby
As long as your doctor has given you the all clear for sexual contact, then there is no reason to believe that your baby will be hurt when you use your vibrator. In fact, some studies suggest that the uterine contractions you feel when you orgasm are actually good for your growing baby. They may coax your baby to sleep, or they might encourage your baby to wake up and kick.
Studies also suggest that the rush of hormones you have when you orgasm can help make your baby healthy and happy. It will also help you feel happy, and relaxed, which is perfect for your baby.
Your Orgasm May Feel Different
During your pregnancy, you may find that your orgasms are much more intense than they were before your pregnancy. This is because increased blood flow also causes increased sensitivity. In the third trimester, you may find that the intensity lessens. For some women, the intensity leaves completely. You might find that using your vibrator is still pleasurable, but you might not be able to reach a climax.
If your pregnancy is healthy, and your doctor is happy for you to continue orgasming, then there shouldn’t be any reason for you to worry about using your vibrator while pregnant. If you do have any worries, you should call your doctor. Otherwise, choose your favorite vibrator, find a comfortable position, and enjoy.